Jude’s Weeknotes — 3 July 2020

Jude Webb
3 min readJul 12, 2020

What a week, some really great progress on quite different projects and a lot of reflection about a tweet.

What did you experiment with?

I did a training session on Miro, which went ok. I didn’t do a good enough intro or set up, so lost one person quite early on. It was a good reminder that people can be coming at things from very different levels and I had catered to those who I knew their level but not asked the people who knew less about it. Never assume knowledge!

What was hard?

Getting ready for the show and tell we’re going to do for the Snook team is a challenge. It’s gathering all my diverse thoughts that I’ve had and present them in a coherent way.

We had some really good conversations working out what to do in the kick off session. I feel we did the right thing in focusing on growing a internal map that already existed and had some momentum. I think focusing only on what the vision for the website is would have been too narrow.

What did you enjoy?

Meeting with colleagues to talk about seeing how we influence externals to do more co-design and participatory design and them seeing value in doing some assumptions mapping and user interviews was a real win. I felt good that I’d managed to explain service design / design thinking is a way that they could see how it could help them do their job.

I spent more time this week mapping and thinking about what JRF’s services are and what level we should be mapping them at.

There are 2 projects that I’ve found myself on around insight and how we use it, One looking at management information that’s need for the projects we’re working. The other thinking about what insight we have and how we use that to do our projects better.

This week the conversations I had on both of them meant they made significant steps forward.

On the first we’ve got a clear plan on how we’re going to create those.

On the second one we’re planning a show and tell that’s titled How Might we use insight to improve our projects. I love the idea of doing a HMW show and tell because all of the ones I’ve seen so far have been presenting things that are much closer to delivery, not so early in the design process. Great for working out loud.

What did you learn?

I had a bit of an ‘ah ha’ moment when spent 2 weeks thinking about where to start with the mapping and then remembering the map someone else has done and I could recycle that. I’m glad I was able to be open to not having to solve everything myself.

I spent a lot of time this week reflecting on a tweet I sent out. I’ve written down my reflections and hope to share these at some point in the future.

Who did you talk to outside of your organisation?

This was the week that we started working with Snook on the Discovery project. We had several sessions with them to prepare for the kick-off with senior leadership. I’ve been super impressed with how they’re getting up to speed on the organisation and the project.

I wasn’t feeling on top form for the kick-off so knowing it was being recorded so I can re-listen and that there were other service designers in the virtual room was great, it meant there were different people thinking about what the next steps are.

What would you have liked to do more of?

Yoga, I didn’t find time this week for yoga, and I can feel the tension in my neck.

What are you looking forward to next week?

Whatever comes next with Discovery.

What are you reading?

Not had much head space for reading books this week, just a couple of pages from How to Make Sense of Any Mess

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